Brick Plugins: Difference between revisions

365 bytes added ,  4 years ago
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!colspan="2"| '''Debug''' - This is a unique section with only one plugin, used for debugging of variables.
| Expression Tester || Shows the values of the selected expressionexpressions. '''''Only in test mode'''.''
!colspan="2"| '''Hide''' - This section allows you to hide and reveal bricks. Hidden bricks don't count towards level completion.
| Hide || Hides the chosen brick by transitioning its transparency.
| Hide and Reveal After Delay || Hides the chosen brick and after a defined time, brings the brick back by transitioning its transparency.
| Reveal || Brings the brick back by transitioning its transparency.
!colspan="2"| '''Miscellaneous''' - A section with mostly unrelated plugins
| Example || Example
| ExampleDestroy Bricks Near Point || Example
| ExampleDisplay Value || Example
| ExampleDrop Powerup || Example
| ExampleFire Projectile || Example
| ExampleGun || Example
| ExampleParticle System || Example
| ExampleSet Foreign Variable || Example
| ExampleSet Local Variable || Example
| ExampleSpawn Floating Text || Example
| ExampleStar Fish || Example
| ExampleWait For Brick To Be Destroyed || Example
| ExampleWait For Expression || Example
| ExampleWait For Message || Example
| ExampleWait For Multiple Hits || Example
| ExampleWait X Seconds || Example
!colspan="2"| '''Move''' - Plugins that move the brick
| Example || Example
| ExampleBlend Positions || Example
| ExampleMimic Movement || Example
| ExampleMove Along Path || Example
| ExampleMove Away From Point At COnstant SPeed || Example
| ExampleMove Between Points|| Example
| ExampleMove In Direction || Example
| ExampleMove To Point || Example
| ExampleLove To Point At Constant Speed || Example
| ExampleOrbit || Example
| Spring || Makes the brick behave as a spring joint point between two other points.
| Example || Example
| Example || Example
| Example || Example