Brick Plugins

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Revision as of 13:35, 26 April 2020 by Gameinsky (talk | contribs)

Brick plugins are scripts that can be selected in every Ricochet object when in the editor. They can be used to modify behaviour of these objects and are what gives Ricochet all the flexibility that it has. By default, plugins are ran simultaneously. They fall under a few categories listed below:

Plugin Name Plugin Description
(none) This plugin does nothing. When put in a sequence, it can be used in combination with "advance to next item in sequence" to force a condition.
Debug - This is a unique section with only one plugin, used for debugging of variables.
Expression Tester Shows the values of the selected expressions. Only in test mode.
Hide - This section allows you to hide and reveal bricks. Hidden bricks don't count towards level completion.
Hide Hides the brick by transitioning its transparency.
Hide and Reveal After Delay Hides the brick and after a defined time, brings the brick back by transitioning its transparency.
Reveal Brings the brick back by transitioning its transparency.
Miscellaneous - A section with mostly unrelated plugins that don't fit in any of the other categories
Destroy Bricks Near Point Destroy bricks in a specified radious around this brick
Display Value Displays a specified value on this brick
Drop Powerup Drops specified powerups from this brick
Fire Projectile Fires specified projectiles in defined patterns
Gun Allows the brick fire projectiles. Automatically added when Fire Projectile is acivated
Particle System Generates particles. Probably an unfinished plugin
Set Foreign Variable Extracts a variable stored in a foreign brick, to be used or manipulated in the current brick
Set Local Variable Sets or manipulates a variable stored in this brick
Spawn Floating Text Displays a floating text that fades out after a short delay
Star Fish Displays a starfish (visual) effect from this brick
Wait For Brick To Be Destroyed Waits for all bricks with a specified name to no longer exist. To be used in sequences
Wait For Expression Waits for a specified condition to be met. To be used in sequences
Wait For Message Waits until this brick receives a specified message. To be used in sequences
Wait For Multiple Hits Waits or adds a specified amount of hits.
Wait X Seconds Waits a specified amount of time. To be used in sequences
Move - Plugins that move the brick
Blend Positions Makes the brick keep its relative positioning between two specified targets.
Mimic Movement Makes the brick mimic the movement of a specified target. Includes various offset parameters.
Move Along Path Makes the brick move along a defined path. To be used in conjuction with paths.
Move Away From Point At Constant Speed Makes the brick move away at constant speed from a specified target
Move Between Points Makes the brick move back and forth in a vector defined by two specified targets
Move In Direction Makes the brick move at constant speed in a given angle
Move To Point Makes the brick move towards a specified target in a specific time
Move To Point At Constant Speed Makes the brick move towards a specified target at a defined amount of pixels per second
Orbit Makes the brick orbit around a specified target
Spring Makes the brick behave as a spring joint point between two specified targets
Example Example
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Example Example